Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

January Sky

When I woke up this morning, the sky was cloudy, drizzle was also drops for a while. Hell, I hate to go to work in this kind of day. So I started to make some excuses list for my boss for me to skip work, or if skip work didn't work well, at least lake for work. when I was thinking about how perfect this weather was to be an alibi, suddenly those grayish cloud start to vanish, and here comes the bright sun. And the sky was clear. So buckle up,I'm ready to go to work. and hey, I stopped a while in front of one of " pendopo" in my office to take a picture ( I used my cellphone camera ). What a bright sky..and I was late ( I was to busy making excuses for my skip work plan..and ruined my daily scheduled buzzing activities )

The First Blast

Well, here we go...
I started to notice Blog ( as a gate away from buzzing activities in the office ) was when I read my friend's blog ( thanks to Rara  ^^,..sorry for peeping your notes ). I'm also think about how this so called "runaway" activity really help me to use my rusty English..he he ( I'm open with any spelling or grammar correction ).
About the "Space Rocket"..well, it simply because i love rocket..and space. It also because Space Rocket gives me the picture on how we should live our life. The rocket gives you a blast of many opportunities to travel the border less space, to reveal the secret under the simmering moon and glittering stars ( I have to stop now, or I'll start to write corny post ). The idea is that we should try to be Space Rocket, well not try to look like one, but we should blast our selves to start our  own journey. The journey of our life, dare to face what might happen in front of us, because life is a border less space. So..get ready to Blast off.